50 Years

I started golfing in 1964 at the age of 17.. I had been witness to several hole in ones but never had one myself until this 4th of July. It was a 170 yard hole, I hit a 5 iron dead at the hole and it appeared to disappear. I didn't believe it until I got to the green and didn't see my ball so I knew it was in the hole. About 6 weeks later,different hole, I hit a 7 iron to a 150 yard pin placement. It hit on the fringe and trickle down to the hole and disappeared into the hole. Both shots were made with Titleist number 3 NXT Tour balls.i always use " new" balls on par 3s in case I do get a hole in one.maybe the theory of 3 will come into play and I'll be writing you again soon.