915 driver

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  • 2 Replies
  1. difference between the diamana blue board 60+ regular (grey shaft) and the blue board (Blue shaft) 60g regular in my 913D2?

  2. Modesto A

    Modesto A
    Apodaca, Nuevo Leon

    The only difference between those shafts is the torque and the kick point:

    D+60 (Grey Shaft) 3.8 degrees, Mid/High Kick point
    S+60 (Blue Shaft) 5.3 degrees, Mid Kick point

    So even though the two shafts are Regular flex the tip on the D+60 is a little bit stiffer than the S+60, so it will depend on your swing speed to choose the right shaft for you.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I had the 913 shaft full blue in stiff and later ordered the S+ after the 915 release in regular. It is gray. Upgraded a 913H to the same flex in a 915H. Nothing dramatic in the feel and I attribute the distance improvement to the slot in the head.

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