New driver

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By Michael P

  • 1 Reply
  1. Hello, I have been a Titleist customer and player for more than 30 years. Currently I am using a 909 D2 driver with a "Titleist VooDoo" regular shaft. Although I am pleased with performance, I would like to upgrade to a 917 driver but have come to learn that Titleist no longer offers this shaft.

    Can you please provide current shaft options that are closest to my current driver?


  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The technology is so different with the 917, a good fitter will look at how you do with the 909 and the Voo-Doo and use that as a starting point to fit you for a 917. A good fitting should take upwards of an hour with more than one shaft. You might be finished with 30 swings in 30 minutes, but don't use that as a stopping point. I ended up with an entirely different shaft than what I had started.

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