Bending AP3s?

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By Marc S

  • 4 Replies
  1. Marc S

    Marc S
    El Paso, TX


    I have typically been 2 degrees flat when fitted. Curious if and how this is going to be possible for the AP3s? I've been told they could break during the bending process due to the fact they are cast. I'd love to hear some feedback on this subject. Thanks

  2. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Hi Marc, We would recommend ordering your clubs 2 flat if that is your specifications. There is no charge for bending lie, loft or changing length if you order it that way originally. It will also preserve the Warranty when we do the work on your clubs.
  3. That's great to know.
    I have been curious about being able to adjust the lofts on these irons.
  4. augusto r

    augusto r
    ewa beach, HI

    Titleist will build it to your specifications at no charge
  5. Rob_Roth1

    San Diego, CA

    Yeah if you're ordering it new have titleist due it so no worries on your part and then they are covered under warranty if something does go wrong

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