The TPI team approach emphasizes collaboration among various professionals, including trainers, physical therapists, and coaches, to create a comprehensive support system for golfers. This...
Angle of Descent is the angle, typically measured in degrees, at which the golf ball strikes the ground as it falls from the highest point of its flight. The Angle of Descent is dependent upon dimple...
A TPI screen is crucial for golf performance as it helps identify a player's physical strengths and limitations that can affect their swing mechanics and overall game. By assessing flexibility,...
There's more than one way to swing a golf club. In fact, there are infinite ways to swing but finding the most efficient swing for your game, based on what you can physically do, is part of the puzzle...
The goal of every TPI assessment is to help evaluate a golfer’s WHAT, HOW and WHY. 3D motion capture and video helps us see WHAT a golfer is doing in their swing. Force and pressure data tells us HOW...
There's more than one way to swing a golf club. In fact, there are infinite ways to swing but finding the most...
The TPI team approach emphasizes collaboration among various professionals, including trainers, physical...
The goal of every TPI assessment is to help evaluate a golfer’s WHAT, HOW and WHY. 3D motion capture and video...
A TPI screen is crucial for golf performance as it helps identify a player's physical strengths and...
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