February 15, 2013 at 12:42 AM By clayton t
clayton tdecatur, AL
walmart had X=Out balls $7.00 a doz i bought 7 doz every ball was NXT Tour rejects they hit as good as $36 box NXT Tour
Daniel RSpokane, CA
to my understanding X-Outs are exactly the same as regualer retail balls except that the ink is incorrect or misalighned.
Correct me if i am wrong. Ive never had x-outs (nobody carries them by me). I just order a dozen at a time which lasts about 1-2 months. (play 5 times a week) (9 holes usually)
X-Out as far as titleist goes when they are inspected and they do not meet Titleist quality then they are printed X-Out on the side sold as reject all i bought are Nxt Tour balls they are as far as hitting wise the same ball they look the same just little blimish that the inspecter found
Don OMadison, WI
By USGA they can only be used in practice - or at least not in tournaments. Trolling the recycled/large retailer supplies, rarely do you get all of one release range. The NXT Tours could be the current model, or one of the previous 2 releases, and possibly mixed. Occasionally ProVs will be bundled by release. For most of us that pay more than our share of dues to the Gods of OOBs, that's ok. I've seen golf shops with ProVs marked XXX or Practice, but they were still $30 a box. But the model year still wasn't makred.
if they can be played in toury or not by usga rules not the point if i am playing by my self or with friends if i loose x-out ball its about $1.60 per ball the NXT tour ball about $3.50 pro v-1 about $4.00....... however these balls are new just little cosmetics is what is wrong ..... from what i read about usga rule as long as brand not X-out and the balls marked practice as long the perform as well as other balls then they will be treated as a logo ball
808HACKERLeonia, NJ
Is it just cosmetic or performance wise that don't meet standards on X-Outs.
Mike D., Titleist StaffAshland, MA
Hi guys,
Here are some more details on this topic to help clarify the differences...
Pro V1 Practice golf balls are conforming products that differ only due to a cosmetic blemish such as paint, ink or registration of stamping. Pro V1 Practice golf balls do not have any construction or performance deficiencies.
Pro V1 X-Out golf balls are also conforming products. However, they usually have a cosmetic blemish and/or occasionally have a minor physical defect that should not significantly affect its performance. More often than not, the physical condition causing the ball to be stamped as an X-Out is so minute that it is not recognizable by the player.
Walt LArlington, TX
Thx for info!
Christian JGriswold, IA
I thought about stocking up on those too, but decided to stick with my ProV1x's and passed on them. Great deal though!
Aaron SIndianapolis, IN
Thanks! Going to stop over at my local Wal-mart and see what they have. With the spring and sloppy conditions, if I lose a ball or two due - I won't feel bad .
Thanks for the info!
these X-Out balls are new and hit just as good regular box of balls and they do comply to USGA and R&A rules they are nice i can not find any mistakes on the balls myself but i am not QC for titleist
Cindy SKissimmee, FL
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