910D2 vs D3

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By timothy j

  • 5 Replies
  1. timothy j

    timothy j
    hampton cove, AL

    I bought the D3 (regular flex) off the shelf without much thought months ago. I recently read that the D2 provides higher launch and lower spin than the D3. My buddy has the D2 (stiff) and I seem to hit it better and longer than my D3. My question is: is there really a difference that I as a 7 hdcp (age 58, swing speed 95) would notice or am I just thinking I hit it better and it is all a mirage. If there is a real differnce between the two and it is because of the D2 head, is it possible to purchase the D2 head, assuming the Surefit system is the same as the D3? On another note, I am headed to Sea Island Thursday for both iron and drive fittings. I hope that the driver fitting will also help answer my question as well. Thanks for your help.
  2. 19hole

    Reading, MA

    There are quite a few variables in your questions. Not only have you changed the head type (D3 to D2) but also the shaft type (reg to stiff). Usually I try to make only one change at a time when doing a fitting. It makes it a lot easier to determine the actual effect of the change made. From the Titleist webpage, this offers a bit of info on the head differences: What are the performance differences between the D2 and D3 driver models? What kind of player will be best-suited to which club? The base performance differences of the 910D2 and 910D3 are similar to prior models. The 910D2 is larger at 460cc and offers more forgiveness. The 910D3 is smaller with a deep face at 445c and offers additional shot and trajectory control. With the powerful adjustability offered by SureFit Tour we don't really characterize one club as being better suited for a certain player type. The best way to find the best one for you is to be custom fit. It is not possible at this time to buy just a head, you would need to get the complete driver. Not really that bad, especially if you are going to be fit again next week. Trust the fitter, they are professionals and will give you the best info possible.
  3. fred k

    fred k
    falls church, VA


    i think you'll a difference, especially at your fitting.  my fitting showed that i launched a d2 so high that those balls are still in orbit.  with the same shaft (as an apples-to-apples comparison) on a d3, my launch dropped by almost 2*.  the d3 head also lowered my spin rate by a a few hundred rpm - enough that i was getting plenty of roll.

    hitting a d2 stiff better than your d3 reg may very well come down to the shaft.  tell your fitter this and he/she will be able to dial you into the right head/shaft combo.  don't forget also that the look of the clubhead is important.  personally, i like the shape of the d3.  it reminds me of the old 907 series driver.

    the surefit system is the same for both heads.  purchasing just the head?  you'll have to see what your fitter can do or call the good folks at team titleist!  good luck with your fitting!


  4. Cameron D

    Cameron D
    Newport, RI


    Our R&D Robot testing shows that the 910D2 will launch .25* higher and spin 200 RPM more then the 910D3.  We also found from the testing that if you adjust the loft setting to one stting higher (+.75*), then you increase the spin by 275 RPM and launch by .5*.  If you are looking for a little more launch and spin, this would be the best way to achieve that.  

    You will really enjoy Sea Island!  Craig and Curtis a amazing Fitters and they will make sure you leave knowing the correct equipment for your game.



  5. Craig A

    Craig A
    St. Simons Island, GA

    Timothy, We look forward to seeing you on Thursday at Sea Island! Bring your current clubs so we can test them against the new equipment. Regards, Craig Allan Sea Island Golf Learning Center
  6. timothy j

    timothy j
    hampton cove, AL

    Craig, I am greatly looking forward to it.  The weather looks good.  It is 40 degrees here in Alabama!  I am anxious to learn from you.  Tim

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