917 D3 vs 910 D3 big diff

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By Robert J

  • 2 Replies
  1. Have not had my fitting yet but did take a 917 D3 to our club range and hit it with my old shaft set at my old settings. Ball flight much lower and did not carry as far as my old 910. Tried a 917 D2 at my old settings with my old shaft and got the same flight and distance as my old 910. No monitor so I was marking where the ball landed and finished but no spin info. All this proves is that there is a big difference 917 to 910 and that a fitting is required....interesting stuff. Bob J

  2. Sam H

    Sam H
    Allendale, NJ

    I've played a 910 D3 since 2011 and it's been the most consistent club in my bag. I got new AP2's this year (upgrade from 710s) and have seen a nice boost in forgiveness and playability. Given that I went to the 917 demo day at my club and hit the 917 drivers and fairway expecting small incremental improvements in numbers from what I had with my 910's. I was pleasantly surprised with an added 4-5 mph in ball speed and 6-7 yard in carry with the new 917 D3, and a nice tight ball flight. Very workable, and forgiving. The grey look is awesome and the sound off the club is pure. So pumped for the new arrivals.
  3. Christian J

    Christian J

    I also have the 910 D3 and have loved it since I got it. However, it is no comparison to the 917. I understand your complaint about ball flight being lower and not feeling as if you hit it farther. If you get on a trackman, you will see the difference and can always play around more with the weights and degrees. I was hitting it lower (based on look) but my launch angle was the same and the spin rate was much lower. All in all, I gained about 20 yds of carry with the 917 plus roll. Highly recommend getting fitted and seeing for yourself the numbers. It is truly a massive upgrade on from the 910.

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