Does anyone know what the changes are in ball flight if I switch the weights around on my gt4 driver, hitting a prov1 it is set at a D2, 8deg or 7.5 from my fitting, my swing speed is only 97/98 but that is what they fitted me into after trying everything else on the market. They say I'm a little quicker at the bottom of my swing hence the xstiff shaft and gt4. I've played 6 rounds with it and have hit the longest drives of my golfing life but a little erratic hitting fairways. I hit one in the water and got pissed off and hit the second shot 293 down the middle, longest drive of my lifetime (prob won't do it again) especially for a 5'8" 62 yr old. At least now I know how it feels for you young bucks that crush the ball all the time.