Titleist Instruction Tab

Follow Thread

By Dino S

  • 3 Replies
  1. Dino S

    Dino S

    Sorry for the long post...Here in Ohio we are getting our season going and coming out of hibernation. Like most I'm trying to knock off the rust off and find my swing for the year. I have seen the youtube videos of Titleist staffers giving tips on different parts of the game which I enjoy watching. I recently stumble across the Instruction tab on the website (I'm not sure why I did check this out sooner) and they have all the videos from all the instructors posted. I really enjoy Jason Baile's videos. I appreciate the way he explains everything and I have already seen some of the tips and pointers transfer over recently. If you didn't know that tab existed now you do :)

  2. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    Thanks for the heads up Dino!
  3. Team Titleist Staff
    Thanks for the post, Dino! Glad to hear Jason has been helpful.

    FYI, here's a direct link to the Instruction Center:

  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    Rick V., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Thanks for the post, Dino! Glad to hear Jason has been helpful.

    FYI, here's a direct link to the Instruction Center:


    Rick - Thanks for posting the link. I'm kicking myself I didn't find this sooner! Looking forward to a great 2024 season!

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