Me and the Donkeys.

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By Byron N

  • 1 Reply
  1. 11/26/23 Sierra Sage Golf Course. Reno NV, Hole # 8. A par 3, with a slightly elevated (8 feet) tee box. On this day it played at 181 yards, White Checkered Flag, pin placement was middle/front of the green. 5-7 mph wind was right to left, directly across the fairway and green…..Late November ground was frozen, struggling to get a tee into the ground, with the Donkeys (my buddies) chirping in the background about my inability to tee the ball up. Finally, I was able to address the ball with my Cobra Air X Driver, I looked up to check the pin placement one last time. I already knew exactly what shot I was going to take, since it’s become my bread and butter over the years, old faithful or my go to if you will. The Donkeys have seen this shot 1000 times before. Yes, my shot off the tee box from 180 yards out. I draw back my trusty steed and with a 3/4 swing speed, squared club face, slap type shot from the 8th Tee Box (of my favorite hole on the course btw) I strike it pure, starts just to the left side of the pin (maybe 3 feet). While in the air, the ball slowly starts to turn back into the wind maybe moving 2 to 3 feet to the right. The greens are playing like smooth concrete today so I land the ball about 20 feet shy of the green, not much of a bounce when it hits the turf, which is surprising. It rolls over a slight rise in the fairway and disappears down the other side of the rise from our view for a second or two, then comes back into view as it just now reaches the green, slightly up hill its headed directly for the pin,with just 8 to 10 feet to go. The ball smoothly rolls right into the cup dead center. Center of the ball kisses the middle of the pin and drops immediately. Not only did the Donkeys on the tee box behind me witness it, the group behind us on the #7 green not far away from the #8 tee box witnessed it as well and we all began to celebrate. A few high fives and a couple of hee-haws later from the Donkeys, we walked off the tee box, me smiling from ear to ear. I was riding on cloud 9. My first and only Hole in One. What a great moment in my life.

  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Sounds like an awesome experience, congrats!

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