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  • 24 Replies
  1. PZ


    What's up with JT? One of my favorite dudes out there. Thought he'd find his form over the summer but it seems to be getting worse. He's played himself out of the Ryder Cup which is hard to even fathom. Anyone have any theories?

  2. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    Yes, golf, especially high level tournament golf is hard. The margins on tour are razor thin.

    Can't speak for JT directly as I don't know him or anyone that knows him. It's just a valley that he is going through. He will find his way out of it.

  3. Watched him at Hoylake last week - Followed for a few holes on the Friday and it was a difficult watch. Some good drives followed by approach shots that put pressure on his short game. Granted, he didn't get much in the way of good fortune, but when you really need the rub of the green, it seldom goes your way.
    I also wanted JT to make a move up the field but it wasn't to be. I suspect he has an injury niggle.
    He is far too good a player, too technically able and too experienced to be in the doldrums for long. He has an established support team and will be back at the top very soon.
    You never know, he might get a Captain's Pick... Failing that, he'll go on a winning streak just after the team is announced - Sod's Law applies!
    PS Also followed Brian Harman for a while... Quite the other side of the coin.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Ummm, Golf is Hard? I would say it's very similar to Jordan, the more you struggle, the more pressure you put on yourself to turn it around and you just get in your own way. Both have plummeted in putting stats. Is that truly poor putting or do they not hit their irons as close as they used to? Probably both. I hope they get it figured out and regain some of that dominance they both experienced in the past.
  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Got married and now investing in a European football squad. Too much money and a lack of focus?
  6.  DesigningLA

    Los Angeles

    I’m a big fan of JT as well. We play our best golf when our heads are clear, without swing thoughts. I’d imagine he had a couple tough days and might be stuck in his head a bit now. Something will click, and his confidence in his swing will come back soon.
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    All great players have ruts and JT seems to be in one at this time. He has probably the best caddie money can buy on his bag with bones and only time will tell with them working together. JT is a great player and finding that niche again, winning, is entirely up to him and his team. There are a lot of greats out there on tour who are going thru the same perils. Golf is a tough way to make a living and sometimes it is not how well you are striking the ball, it is what it going on in the five inches between the ears. That five inches can take over at the most inopportune time on the course. I wish JT the very best and feel that are many good years ahead for him. Time is on his side and so is Bones. .
  8. I remember him talking about this super healthy strict diet plan and workout routine claiming he'd do unmentionable things for a slice of pizza.

    As John D says "you cant pull fat"

    Ofcourse the pressure to perform is always on these guys especially when they've gone to the media about something new they're doing.
  9. tiger said its because he got married lol
  10. RBadgley

    Central NY

    One of my favorite guys to watch as well! He’s just struggling!! He said it himself. At times he hits shots that make him look like the #1 player in the world and then other times, it’s awful.
  11. MRoseski

    Palm Harbor, FL

    He needs to get some confidence back in his putting. He was had a terrible season this year with the flatstick. Take some time off and stick with one putter and get comfortable with it.
  12. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    Golf is a four letter is wife. He'll do fine, just in a slump. Give it time...geez
  13. Bradley S

    Bradley S
    McHenry, IL

    In all fairness, the difference between the top 100 in world in golf is less than a shot per round.... JT is like every tour player who has gone through a playing slump.... for whatever the reason, I'm confident that he'll bounce back.
  14. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Bradley S said:

    In all fairness, the difference between the top 100 in world in golf is less than a shot per round.... JT is like every tour player who has gone through a playing slump.... for whatever the reason, I'm confident that he'll bounce back.

    The average between 1st and 100th place in scoring is actually 2.538 strokes. Scotty Scheffler is at 68.531 and 100th place is 71.069. That's 5 strokes difference to make a cut and 10 strokes difference if they play the full four days. I agree with you that very few golfers stay on a consistent high performance streak. We lived in a time where we watched Tiger dominate for years so it does not surprise me if we see a more normal pattern like we did before Tiger showed up. Tom Watson, Nick Price, Curtis Strange, and that Greg guy, all had short runs of greatness with long runs of consistency. Time will tell how these guys perform for the entirety of their careers.
  15. harry h

    harry h
    Lasvegas, NV

    I too think pro golfers are like everyone they go thru ups and downs. Jt is my favorite player as well but he’s human as well.
  16. PZ


    I enjoyed reading all the responses. Yes, I'm well aware golf is hard, but JT is one that makes it look easy most of the time. As someone who has won a PGA event in every year since turning pro, I'm sure he's also incredibly disappointed. I'm not sure if it's a between the ears thing? Sure it's easy to blame it on getting married - I've used that excuse before too! Recently he said he wishes he could blame it on an injury and that he is in fact healthy. I think he's simply putting too much pressure on himself and that's when golf gets really hard. As far as the game goes - his putting has certainly been costing him a lot lately. To see him going back and forth between different putters, using different grips during tournaments, trying out aim point, it's clear our guy is searching. I've watched a ton of his golf this year and he's just struggled to put together back to back good shots and good rounds.

    I think if he misses the Ryder Cup and the FedEx playoffs this year he will be back next year on a tear. JT is a grinder and I can't wait to watch him get back to his incredible form!
  17. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Give him a break.!!! You could ask the same question about virtually every golfer that ever played the game. Maybe he's in a slump, or maybe he made a few swing adjustments and working through it.
    He'll be back.
    In the mean time, he's welcome to join our group for a few rounds.
  18. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    I highly doubt any of us know the answer! I am a fan of JT and i hope he gets a hot putter soon!
  19. RBadgley

    Central NY

    JT put together a great round today! Comfortable with the irons today! That chip in on 17, top notch!! Hope he finishes strong and battles into the playoff!
  20. PZ


    Absolutely gutted for our guy yesterday. Literally battled until the very end. I couldn't believe he almost birdied that 18th hole given where his tee shot went. I was super impressed with JT on his media hits and his overall attitude this week. It would be so easy to be down in the dumps. He will use this has some big motivation going forward! Already looking forward to his next season.
  21. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    Just a random theory, no clue if it has any merit, but guys that get married seem to struggle for a bit. Look at Rickie and Jordan. Both went through lulls in their careers.

    Again, just a theory, probably no scientific evidence to ever support this theory.
  22. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I'll be blunt, as usual, being close to a few notable Tour guys and caddies, about half the Tour is a few shots away from finishing great, or poorly. A few tee shots that wander can significantly alter your round, a stretch of tournaments, or a season. Look at where Fowler was a year or two ago. The greats actually need a slump occasionally to hit the reset button. He'll be back, you just never know how long it'll take.
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