March 17, 2024 at 11:38 PM By dbscarboro
Does anyone know if there has been any work or discussion on creating a team Titleist app. I think this would enhance the TT community and allow for people to become even more involved and connect with other Titleist players.
Abdon MNorthern California (because it's a big state)
Don OMadison, WI
Dale VSurprise AZ
Simon WhittakerLoughborough
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
GuchoMiami, FL
ILGolfGuyCentral Illinois
Dave NDade City, FL
March 19, 2024 at 05:27 PM
Can we PLEASE get a Team Titleist app?!? Make it easy to comment on threads and get simple notifications on responses and likes. Polls to vote on changes we'd like to see as shareholders in the company on products, future TT events, etc because commenting on social media on their posts does absolutely nothing for our profile or to be heard. At least a moderator sees these posts and an app would be great. If you have enough moderators to look through every comment, you can def afford to monitor an app that AI can help you create with some recent college grads who are looking for a career with Acushnet!
Barry MReno, NV
LBCgolfplayerThe LBC
Bryan Lmassillon, OH
Ben ALos Gatos, CA
Jonathan SmithCharlotte, NC
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